3 Ways to help quickly calm your mind
A favorite writer of mine recently wrote, "Where do good decisions come from? A calm mind" - Yung Pueblo
But how exactly do we calm our mind, especially when we are experiencing a chaotic internal storm? It sounds so simple in theory or when we’re telling others to “not worry” or “just calm down, it’ll be fine”, but as we all know (if we're being honest with ourselves) this is not always easy to do.
And the truth is, it’s not your fault when you’re in this internal state; it’s a physiological response to stress. And yet, when we know we are safe and the physiological response is not necessary in the moment, we can learn to pendulate out of this state into a calm mind with more perspective.
The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.
3. Notice three things in your environment that you find interesting or evoke curiosity. Describe these objects to yourself in great detail. Notice how curiosity feels in your body. Notice if your breath shifts at all when you're in this state. When we're curious or interested in something, our body is in rest and digest mode vs. fight/flight/freeze. We tend to feel more grounded and stable when we're in this state.
Where our attention goes, energy flows.
For more tips on the mind body connection and more tools to calm yourself quickly, subscribe to my email list here.