Mind body connection. How to use your body to help shift your mindset.
Our felt sense is so incredibly powerful to our healing and growth. Insight and reflection can help, of course, but our bodies experience of our reflections and insights are key to integration and re-wiring the brain and nervous system.
Next time you find yourself stuck in self-evaluation or over-analyzing (which can lead to “analysis paralysis”), try the following reflection:
An invitation …
Drop into your body and observe your overall felt sense ... What sensations are you aware of in your body? How's the quality of your breath? Bring curiosity to your posture and body position (are you slumped forward, caved in, holding yourself/crossing your arms, sitting up-right, relaxed, numb, etc.?) Track any desire to move in a certain way and then I invite you to act on that desire or if you prefer, just imagine acting on the desire.
After your check-in with your felt experience, take a few conscious breaths and if there's room, add some length to your exhale to help bring the nervous system to a place of rest and digest, a sense of internal safety. When our parasympathetic nervous system is activated (rest and digest mode), we tend to think more clearly and make decisions that are based on our response to the moment vs. a reaction from a past wound (often subconsciously).
This is integration - being able to experience both our thoughts and reflections while simultaneously experiencing our bodies response to our thoughts and emotions. Remember, everything we think our body feels. We can’t shift our mindset without attuning to our body; a healthy mindset starts with a grounded nervous system.
If you’re curious about a guided meditation practice to help build the relationship between your mind and body, check out my meditations. I have designed each bundle of meditations for different needs so you can choose whichever one resonates with your experience. You can also begin your healing journey by exploring my meditations for free on Insight TImer.